become a successful Teacher of Academic Writing and critical thinking for all your students!
Since 1984, the Jane Schaffer Academic Writing Program® has been a reliable, proven method of teaching academic writing to K-12 students in public, private, and parochial schools across the United States and abroad. JSWP™ takes the mystery out of writing by providing a clear, structured approach that helps teachers guide students to organize and present in writing their creative and analytical ideas logically and effectively on both in-class assignments and on high-stakes tests. JSWP™ offers workshops, webinars, instructional guides, videos, and digital resources.
The Jane Schaffer Academic Program® is a leading, proven, comprehensive writing program that helps teachers empower their students at all levels to become academically successful thinkers, writers, and scholars.
JSWP™ consistently presents common terminology, strategies, and graphic organizers that help teachers successfully build their students' knowledge and skills in the primary writing modes of argumentation, expository, narrative, and response to literature. Additionally, JSWP™ teaches students to evaluate and effectively use specific, relevant concrete details and generate insightful and thoughtful commentary to support a thesis and main ideas in their writing.
And what writing program would be complete without a focus on the teaching of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary development? JSWP™ teaches these essential conventions and how to construct sentences to produce authentic, meaningful, and scholarly writing.
JSWP™ focuses on students learning specific analytical questions fostering critical thinking that results in creativity, confidence, and a sense of accomplishment when participating in on-level and honors classrooms as well as Advanced Placement® and International Baccalaureate programs. JSWP™ also provides teachers with differentiation techniques to inspire students in the areas of English language development, gifted and talented education, and special education. And, the program has supplemental instructional materials ranging from print and digital copies to software and videos.
This is by far the best training I have ever had and so well worth it.
My AHA moment is realizing the need to have students be able to write paragraphs first and more often, than having them start with essays.
My AHA! moment was that writing can be easy if color coded and broken down.
Even after 20+ years, I still struggle with how to incorporate grammar instruction. I finally have all of the pieces - for so many years, I just had the tip of the iceberg.
I attended a training once before and now this all makes more sense the second time around.
A big AHA! moment was how the structure of the writing process will not only improve students' writing, but it will make it easier to understand and learn.
I enjoyed when the presenter helped me individually and helped me better understand the planning process. The specific notes for my work helped me improve.
It is always great watching Dr. Louis present. She gives me a lot of hope.
I had so many AHA! moments throughout the Response to Literature/Close Reading workshop! I really enjoyed the day.
This might be a lot of brainstorming and steps, but our final shaping sheet looks AMAZING!
My big AHA! moment was thinking about CM by just using simple single words instead of full and complete sentences/thoughts. This makes it easier for students to work with.
I appreciate that Dr. Louis saw our struggles and simplified the thinking process.
This training really helped me se the importance of planning for writing and helping kids simplify something that is complex.
I think the analyzing writing prompts and finding main ideas will be useful when analyzing case studies in Environmental Science.
The presenter respects us at all times and does not put people on the spot when mistakes are made. She addresses them in a positive manner.
We can now teach writing so that students have a better understanding using Jane Schaffer® and the color coding!
My AHA! moment was that creating the right prompt will make or break an essay/paragraph.
This was the most useful professional development session we've had in a while. This is the first PD to help with institution.
This training is absolutely helpful and applicable to my classes. I am learning so much and appreciate the I do, We Do.
I understand as an educator how writing evolves from annotation - but now I understand how to model the relevance to my students, as well as how to pair that evidence with commentary automatically.
My AHA! Moment was that even I can be a writer.
My AHA! moment was that if you use this process the RIGHT way and you are consistent and intentional, the students will thrive.
I appreciated that when we were struggling through the "you do" you gave us the time to learn through our mistakes, instead of rushing us. It gave us a chance to actually see the process through.
A key takeaway was the annotating process. I always annotate, but I feel this technique is more effective and targets both reading and writing.
The chants are helpful in getting key information to stick in a students head and make them successful when working on their own.
Thank you for breaking the material down, making it accessible to all english language development levels
The whole process will be used with my sophomores starting next week.
One thing I learned is to make sure to go back and address students and give them an explanation of exectations in class or with assignments. It is crucial to give them feedback.
My AHA! moment was how simple, with practice, writing out a paper/essay will become with this program
The Jane Schaffer Writing Program offers students a foundational process that is logical and based on research by which they can all become successful writers.
Loved the whole process...from true color coding to the graphic organizers. I think this seminar reminds teachers that it is okay to teach every step of the writing process.
My AHA! Moment is realizing the [writing program] was not as complicated as I thought. It just takes practice.
I can write a prompt that my students can understand.
Where do I begin? I feel like someone has turned up the brightness filter on my phone; I can see clearly now (mentally singing). The WOW and WOTS charts make so much more sense to me. Really, it all does. I KNOW HOW these pieces fit together. I thought I "knew Schaffer" before, and I was quite successful with it. But, WOW, it's weird, but I'm empowered now, and I feel like the educational Statute of Liberty. Give me your low, your hardened, your huddles masses yearning to learn.
Using colored pens to distinguish between concrete details and commentary is game changing!
Yesterday's training answered a lot of those burning questions we had regarding the JSWP® process for both Expository and the Argumentative essay. I feel that our teachers have a clearer understanding of how to structure the writing process, and it is evident how far we've come since we began.
So many AHA moments! Seriously, we talk about teaching writing instead of "assigning" writing. I often teach kids a formula, but I have not seen the importance of each kid knowing each step until now.
I love it! I love the fact that I can take ALL this information and teach our SPED populations and they will understand and grasp this information better.
I learned how the kids feel - and that just because I know how to do something, doesn't mean they do. Baby steps!
The presenter was hard-core, but funny, but serious, on-task - EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE.
When I first looked at the Jane Schaffer resources, I did not understand the importance of the colors. Once he went through and started annotating all of the information, and we were able to put it all together in the shaping sheet, it made much more sense.
I am in awe of the brainstorming process and how I will be able to make it 'easier' for my students.
I always struggle with some of the early steps/graphic organizers. Working through the whole process brought clarity as I could see the whole picture and how to direct my kindergarten students.
The presenter kept us engaged and gave immediate feedback to help us improve our paragraphs. Very professional.
I loved the training! The opportunity to see Dr. Louis in action with our students has allowed me to take the direct observation during the lesson back to my classroom.
I loved the training I received. Things are clearer for me and I feel more confident being introduced to the Jane Schaffer Academic Writing Program.
My AHA! moment was that the process helps students to analyze literature in depth.
I enjoyed being able to practice and the opportunity to experience what my students may question!
I will immediately begin reviewing shades of meaning (tone) when coming up with CMs so that writing isn't redundant.
I am so excited to use Jane Schaffer® district wide. I'm excited about the students reading more deeply at younger levels.
I thought academic writing did not include commentary. I found out it could be incorporated.
My AHA! Moment is that I need to extend the same grace to my students as you extended to me.
When we talked about what colleges look for in an essay, I realized that I had an experience that I could share and could use the essay writing strategies that I learned in this training.
I had an AHA! moment when the presenter helped me understand that it is okay for my students to start off writing with simple sentences.
I really like the strategies and graphic organizers that force students to really get their ideas out.
The clear expectations of the Jane Schaffer Writing Program have empowered my students to become better, more confident writers who know the specific purpose of every well-crafted sentence in their essays.
I appreciated everything the presenters had to offering this professional development: very organized, knowledgeable, and professional in all aspects. I really learned a lot and enjoyed it!
The presenter's personality and openess to quesitons provided a comfortable learning enviornment
I loved how we were required to complete a graphic organizer because it put me in the students' shoes.
The presenter is definitely charismatic, open to discussions, and relatebly. I love that she is actively teaching and can relate to teachers' experiences.
Using political cartoons for CDs and CMs to really get the students to think about what they SEE vs. what they THINK.
I think my largest takeaway is remembering to act with intention at every step of the process.
A genuinely valuable professional development session.
I enjoyed watching my students get the "light bulbs" as the process unfolds.
I enjoyed the structure of the thinking process. It felt like a helping hand especially for someone who does not feel that English is a strong suit.
My AHA! moment was being able to go through the prompt writing process. Loved how it was broken down into steps and makes it easier for me to be able to create a purposeful prompt.
My AHA! moment was seeing all of the critical thinking (analytical) that takes place through the scaffolded process (graphic organizers).
The graphic organizers are very helpful in breaking down the 'how-to' in teaching the Jane Schaffer method.
My AHA! moment was helping students see themselves as writers by connecting it with a color-coded process.
The change in pen colors really helps me see and identify what I am looking for.